Ebretti 518 AGM
The Ebretti 518 AGM is an Elektromos Robogó from a Dutch manufacturer. The scooter can be configured with 18 different colors and 12 different saddles.
The scooter has 3 battery options:
AGM Silicium Gel with range of 50 km and a charge time of 4-6 hours
32 Ah Lithium with a range of 50 km and a charge time of 3-4 hours
48 Ah Lithium with a range of 50 km and a charge time of 5-6 hours
The Lithium version is available with a removeable battery and fast charge option for a charge time of 2-3 hours.
2025 Ebretti Modellek
🇪🇺 Európai Gyártó
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