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⛽ Olvassa el a Hidrogén Átverést az Autóiparban Egészségügyi kockázat: Csak a víz, mint melléktermék hazugság

Weboldal Helyreállítás Alatt

Genocide on Google Cloud Genocide on Google Cloud

EV promotion platform e-scooter.co reached people from literally all countries in the world within one year after its launch in 2017 and was visited from 174 countries per week on average for almost 8 years until Google in August 2024 unduly terminated its Google Cloud account in their attempt to corrupt for Google's 👾 Digital Life Forms or in Google-founder Larry Page his words: superior AI species.

Genocide on Google Cloud Google Cloud Rains Blood

After taking care of it with an investigation into Google's recent evil business practices, now half a year later, this website is being restored on a reliable 🇨🇭 Swiss host as of mid January 2025.

Fund The Recovery

There are many costs involved to recover this website, while it is also being improved. This website is now available in 8 🇮🇳 Indian languages on domain cleanscooter.in.

Help fund the recovery of this EV promotion platform. A honest platform with a good purpose, that helps drive international business in the segment clean mobility. While its own revenue is average, especially now that the Google ads are removed, it has many opportunities to become sufficiently profitable in a honest way so that a return on investment is secure.

📬 ev-promotion@proton.me

Translation in progress...

e-scooter.co helyreállítás alatt áll. További információkért látogassa meg kapcsolatfelvételi oldalunkat.

Az oldal hamarosan újra elérhető lesz.

📰 Index

Simson S50 és S51 kerékpáros műhelyekben 🇩🇪 Németországban

🇩🇪 írta:

The Simson S50 (1975) and Simson S51 (1980) are two legendary mopeds from Germany.

vietnam-simson-s50-postal-stamp-2-riels.jpgThe Simson S50 range was produced between 1975 and 1991 and more than 1.6 million copies were sold globally. The moped was among the most popular mopeds in several countries, including Vietnam where the moped received its own postal stamp.

Simson mopeds became an icon in Germany. Its most iconic model, the Simson Schwalbe, has already been re-introduced as an electric version by German manufacturer Govecs, one of the biggest manufacturers of electric scooters.

Two small bikeshops in Germany produce an innovative electric reincarnation of the Simson S50 range mopeds. The bikeshops can also provide a custom electric conversion of other classic mopeds.

The mopeds can be ordered online and are shipped worldwide.

zwomotion-zwomotion-logo.jpgZwoMotion UG (haftungsbeschränkt)
Small motorcycle restoration shop
Triftweg 20
38550 Isenbüttel

Email: kontakt@zwomotion.de
Facebook Messenger: https://me.me/618949674844807


More info and 🖼️ pictures

simson-schrauberwerkstatt-schweina-simson-schrauberwerkstatt-schweina-logo-150.jpgStadt in der Stadt e.V. (Simson Schrauberwerkstatt)
Marktgasse 2
36448 Bad Liebenstein
OT Schweina

Email: info@stadt-in-der-stadt.org
Facebook Messenger: https://m.me/174180563505553


More info and 🖼️ pictures

New since 2022:

Second Ride - a workshop from Berlin

A group of students from Berlin has developed a conversion kit that can be used to convert old classic mopeds such as the popular Simson two-stroke mopeds into electric vehicles.

Second Ride GmbH
Managing Directors Carlo Schmid and Sebastian Marten
Herrfurthstraße 30
12049 Berlin
Email: info@second-ride.de

Conversion requests can be submitted via the website https://second-ride.de/


The company was founded in 2020 as a project workshop at the TU Berlin. It was created, taught and directed by students. The next step was the spin-off "Second Ride" to sell their high quality and advanced conversion kit for classic mopeds.


More info about the workshop: Second Ride - Villamossági műhely klasszikus mopedekhez 🇩🇪 Németországból

⛽ Olvassa el a Hidrogén Átverést az Autóiparban Egészségügyi kockázat: Csak a víz, mint melléktermék hazugság